San Diego Clean Water Alliance
The San Diego Clean Water Alliance is a joint effort of San Diego Baykeeper, the ~San Diego County Surfrider Foundation, the San Diego/Imperial County Chapter of the Sierra Club, the Environmental Health Coalition and Surfers Tired of Pollution (STOP). These organizations are committed to working together to protect San Diego's bays, beaches and ocean water quality from sewage spills, storm drain discharges and other threats.
BORDER NEWS: On December 8, 1999, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency http://www.NETCONNECTION.COM/IWTP/epa_dec99.html and the U.S. International Boundary and Water Commission http://www.NETCONNECTION.COM/IWTP/ibwc_dec99.html released a record of decision for secondary treatment at the South Bay International astewater Treatment Plant http://www.NETCONNECTION.COM/IWTP/, selecting completely mixed aerated ponds at the Hofer site as the preferred treatment alternative. However, ongoing analyses have failed to determine the reasons for the failures of the acute toxicity tests. Comments on the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS) for the International Wastewater Treatment Plant (IWTP) were submitted to the US Environmental Protection Agency in March, 1998. Over 300 comments were received, and most of those were in SUPPORT of the Completely Mixed/Aerated ponding treatment alternative, primarily because of its ability to remove the most toxics from the wastewater before disposal into the ocean http://www.NETCONNECTION.COM/outfall/, while producing the smallest amount of sludge to be disposed of in an undisclosed site in Tijuana. THANK YOU for writing your letters and sending over 150 postcards in regard to this project. This was an unprecedented response, and the agencies closely evaluated public comments before making their final decision.